
Is Canon 5d Mark Ii A Good Second Camera Weddings

This is a real globe review for the Catechism 5D Mark IV. Not an "I've been shooting it for a week and here are my impressions" piece or an unboxing or annihilation similar that. A full on "I've been using this photographic camera since before Lightroom even supported the RAW files which meant at some point early on, I attempted to find a way to edit the files before information technology was possible information technology a la a 90s-hackers-in-a-montage" kind of review. I've had information technology for over 3 months now and I've shot thirteen weddings, 14 sessions, and over 70,000 photos with it (check your judgement at the door, son.). Some of us are unnecessarily early adopters, simply if you're i of the far more reasonable people who will look until something expensive has been out for a while and and so decide to upgrade (I'm assuming you, if yous're reading this), then this review is for you.

5d mark iv camera review

For the purposes of this review, I'll mostly be comparison the 5D Marking IV to my experience shooting extensively with the Catechism 5D Mark III and I likewise bring up the Nikon D750 a bit for those who don't savour in the celebrity of L series lens god (praise exist). I also shot with the D700 full time before switching to Canon in 2012, but I won't be talking near that at all. Except for that office. Merely that'due south it!

5D Mark IV Real World Review real world review of the 5d canon mark iv

THE Photographic camera, THE LEGEND

The Canon 5D Mark IV and the III look almost identical. If you felt at home with the 5D Marking III, this will be similar your home in a parallel universe where everything is exactly the same except for a few extra ports and a new custom button above the wheel that I never knew what to practice with so I ignored it. Also, in this universe, everyone eats lasers and there are pudding seas.

5d mark IV vs the 5d mark III

About of the changes have happened inside the photographic camera, though. Higher ISO adequacy with less dissonance, 4K video (kind of), Dual Pixel RAW, 7 frames per 2d vs the half-dozen FPS the III had,GPS tracking, a phoenix feather core (which is a great improvement over the dragon heartstring), etc. You can expect it up. Information technology'southward a long list of tiny technical changes and I won't be going into well-nigh of information technology.

canon 5d mark IV review


Yes. But yes. This camera is astounding. I don't know if Canon volition e'er bless the states with the same 3-D style tracking that you can go on the more advanced Nikon cameras, but if y'all've been suffering from autofocus woes where culling your photos kind of ways picking the ones that are really in focus, and so this will exist your godsend.

mark iv review

Poor autofocus has been my complaint with Canon since switching over from the D700 four years ago. The AF on the 5D Marking III simply isn't great. It's usable, but not smashing. Last twelvemonth, I was getting and so abrasive with my miss/hit ratio at receptions (yes, fifty-fifty with the AF assist beam in AI focus) that I began shooting dual bodies with the Canon 5D Marking Three and the Nikon D750. The D750 autofocus is definitely better than the 5D Marking Iii in low calorie-free, simply still not every bit reliable as I know the 5D Mark IV to be now. The 5D Mark IV autofocus has improved so much that I legitimately couldn't criticize it if I tried. Soon my auto focus woes will be a distant memory. Like the plot of all Brendan Fraser movies and my recollection of the country capitals.

animal photography 5d mark IV

A rebuttal for the inevitable comment of "MY Catechism has never given me whatsoever bug with autofocus." Short story time – in high schoolhouse, my first automobile was an 88 contrivance caravan with a crappy engine and I knew how to make it run; "to get up this colina, just plough off the AC and floor information technology" OBVIOUSLY. But driving a normal car that functioned like cars should made me realize what a dangerous crap-on-wheels I owned. And THAT'S kind of what it'south similar to shoot Nikon vs. Canon. I said it. As a Canon lover, I feel like I can say that, right? Only it'southward true. Once you've shot an a photographic camera that is ungodly reliable and as quick to focus as Nikon, information technology's not easy to accept the focus lag we've been dealing with all these years. And it makes the upgrade to the auotofocus arrangement in the 5D Mark IV that much better.

real world review of the canon 5d mark IV

Nearly importantly, the Marking Four photographic camera has made me unafraid of having people running at me. While this is ordinarily a legitimate concern, outside of taking photographs, equally a lensman the fright was rooted in my disability to get photos in focus when they were coming at me. Shooting in AI Servo on the Marker Iv is inspired. The focus tracking is awesome plenty that while I run backwards with my knees inches away from the ground, I'chiliad able to get cute little kids running at me in focus. That, and regular exercise, is all I demand for family work and it makes procession/recessionals, and wedding exits so much easier to photograph.

shooting portraits with the 5d mark iv


To match the technical upgrades that actually do brand shooting amend, the menus accept been updated to include some new special features, some of which will never be used (there's a "photo book set-up" option that feels embarrassing to scroll past). The ones I was excited virtually that turned out to be a bust wereDual PixelRAW and GPS. Dual Pixel RAW was a magical feature that was supposed to let u.s. refocus photos in post product and make everything gustatory modality like peanut butter K&Ms. BUT you have to use specialized software to access this office and fifty-fifty then, it only micro adjusts within a half inch or so. As well, the files are and so huge they aren't usable at all for wedding shooting. And the GPS feature was cool in theory for it's Lightroom map integration, just I habitually turn my camera off and on, which triggered the GPS role and was making the start up time lag then I'k not going almost it again. Both features are useless for my purposes.



The autofocus upgrade lone was enough for me to shove all of my money at Catechism like they had the last seat on a lifeboat being hoisted downward from the Titanic, but in that location'due south other stuff they added, besides. And those are probably fun to read about. I bet you can probably Google a nautical chart or a graph or an overlapping circle thing to show you all of the features and how they differ from the 5D Mark III, but I'm going to bear on on the ones I plant most helpful for existent world shooting.

family photos with the canon 5d mark iv


Theoretically, the ability to transfer photos to my phone is kind of cool, but unless I'chiliad transported to yet another universe where I have the work ethic to share images on Instagram from my DSLR immediately, that'southward probably non going to happen. But you could do it. Totally.


Nonetheless, the WiFi functions that allow you to remotely command your camera with the Canon iPhone app role is really cool and definitely usable in a existent shooting situation.  I recently was shooting tight space during the getting fix portion of the wedding day and I needed to put the camera on a shelf to get a wide shot and was easily able to connect to my iPhone to focus, adjust my settings, and accept the photo without seeing the back of the screen. Information technology would also be helpful to do wide room shots at receptions if yous had a tripod that could become some acme to it.



The Live View function solitary deserves it's own chaise where we feed it grapes similar a Roman emperor (especially now that it's equipped with super fast motion tracking in AI Servo) but the affect screen is kind of life saving. It isn't literally. Non yet anyway, but it is radical. Though I would've *loved* to see a tilt screen on this camera because I'm a whopping five feet zero alpine. While shooting manner overhead is flattering, I'thou essentially shooting blind, and then the touch screen is still an awesome new addition. Information technology will non only focus wherever you tap on the screen, but the touch screen tin trigger the shutter equally a role, as well. Since I'm incredibly picky about head placement in environments, being able to quickly take a photograph with the camera hovering over my head similar a brick ready to fall to the ground at any moment, is wonderful. I capeesh a feature that allows me to have a photo even a little easier, even though I've heard this feature touted as frivolous. It'southward useful and I like it.


However! The touch screen shutter release doesn't piece of work with back button focus. RIGHT? I know, I know. It's lame and I don't get it. I've switched to shooting with the shutter activating my focus since and I'chiliad actually happy to be back. I really don't miss dorsum-button focus at all at present.


Auto WHITE Residuum TWEAKS

It'south a little thing, but it's saved me then much time in post product. I used to shoot with y White Balance set to Cloudy all day (upwardly until the reception, really!) and now I merely utilise motorcar white balance because it's been severely improved.

autowhite balance on the 5d mark IV

You can now tweak your machine white balance settings to exist more cool toned, warm toned, more magenta and more green. You can also cull betwixt AutoWB with "ambience priority" or "white priority." It's astonishing. I can't tell the deviation during the daylight every bit much, but White Priority is essential when shooting ambient lite in warmer rooms that tend to go orange. If you notice that when you shoot AutoWB you're constantly adding the aforementioned amount of temperature or tint to your photos, this is your saving grace. Someday, the part of my brain that could tell you what the best Kelvin setting in a room is will simply be mush (probably replaced with lyrics I wish I didn't know from reception songs).



I heard a cry from all corners of the land from videographers everywhere when Canon's much awaited4K video upgrade came with a 1.7x crop factor. I'k not talking about that, though. You tin can probably discover that elsewhere. I'g a photographer who dabbles in video so I'grand totally happy with information technology.

It's like this; the 5D Marker Three didn't have auto focus in recording manner at all. The d750 has autofocus during filming, but it was loud and did a ton of quick, hasty searching. The 5D Mark Four's autofocus while recording video is reliable and even has face tracking, just when it loses focus on a face up or bailiwick, it quietly glides to another focus signal smoothly. Also theconnect-to-iPhone remote function I mentioned before is besidesperfect for vlogging with this camera and want to double check y'all haven't gone through the embarrassment of talking to yourself for 10 minutes straight with the incorrect settings on your photographic camera. For the videos I  practice, information technology's a dream.


Battery LIFE

I'm not certain if it's my increased employ of the live view or but the camera itself, but the battery life isn't equally not bad equally it was with previous iterations. I usually utilise at least 2 full batteries to get through an 8 hr wedding where I'm shooting something like 4500 photos (shhhh. I know. Information technology'due south a lot). I only shoot dual bodies during the ceremony and so if you're using 2 bodies, you may non come across such a quick drain. I really don't discover this to be a problem because batteries are about $fifty each and I own a ton anyhow considering I'k a bombardment hoarder. It'south a affair.



Shooting with both the Three and the IV isn't terrible every bit far every bit processing goes, either. For the first calendar month of shooting, I was using both cameras and I found the Marking III files to have slightly more than saturation, but I was easily able to tweak my preset to make them lucifer enough. The incredibly deep greens and blues were always slightly off to me, but then I threw circumspection to the wind and used the same preset on both cameras' files and it was fine. Totally fine. I do have two Mark Iv bodies, though, considering I loved the AF then much and the cameras are so similar, I wanted to make sure whichever one I grabbed was just as reliable.


I wanted to share some lower ISO files to show the flexibility you take if you under expose (intentionally, to retain the heaven, or accidentally because we're humans and not robots. Nonetheless.). The details in the shadows it pulled dorsum were impressive. Even pushing the photo below in the tunnel at ISO 800 almost 4.five stops retained a crazy corporeality of information when I was sure that I would just end upwards with a silhouette. That file was the exposure version of the nerdy girl who takes off her glasses and ponytail and is suddenly beautiful.

NK3 9803 iso

A significant portion of the comeback I saw was in the higher ISOs. While the ISO 32000 definitely exists on this camera (I've seen it), a legitimate review of my real use of this camera hasn't caused me to need to go quite that high at a wedding. Actually, ISO x,000 is my comfort zone on the 5D Marker IV. I experience similar that's the highest ISO that I've seen the well-nigh flexibility, since tend to under expose at night. If you lot go it right in camera, much college ISOs are cute. For instance, I wouldn't complain about whatever racket at ISO x,000 at all when I've properly exposed. But I'g a monster and I under expose regularly so I've included some examples of under exposed images then you could come across the SOOC (straight out of camera) files and the delivered versions, including how much the files take been pushed in Lightroom.


My exposure was nearly perfect for this shot. It was definitely not every bit bright as it looks and I was amazed that my camera could focus in the low light and that my ISO and shutter speed were high enough that I could cease move without this photo ending up grainy/noisy.

025 027 028

Holy lack-of-grain-at-high-ISOs Batman! Are impressed? Just me? Anyway, higher up ISO ten,000 and I started to see a lot of racket when I had to button the files, merely, as you'll see, I was also under exposing by almost 2 stops.

029 030 031

AND some awesome news is, if you're shooting with crazy high ISOs and you can bring yourself to do it, Canon saves more information in their highlights than in their shadows, in my experience. And then overexpose a petty or expose properly in camera and you lot're gravy.


Overall, I honey working with the files. I haven't seen an issue with the colors that I've read about from a few people. I did tweak my preset subsequently I had to bodies, but the peel tones are lovely, the files are malleable, and I'm incredibly happy that I upgraded both cameras!



TL;DR? Well, more often than not y'all missed all of my wit (jokes in a technical review can only get then funny, though, and so I go information technology). AF good. GPS bad. ISO adept. Battery life bad.  Impact Screen proficient. No flip out LCD screen bad. Editing good. Fire BAD!

But by and large, I wanted to say this – upgrade if you shoot Canon if you have the budget and don't own it yet if you retrieve it's worth it for the flexibility of shooting at higher ISOs and the faster autofocus.


It's heaps better than the 5D Mark II and a significant improvement from the Mark III.The Nikon D750It'due south a decent camera if that's where you are, and honestly, the Mark IV trunk alone isn't worth switching brands for (the Fifty series glass is, yet). There are some shiny new features, but a better camera won't make y'all a better photographer or anything, so don't be besides bummed if yous can't upgrade at this moment. Thank you for reading & happy shooting! <3

014 5D mark IV camera review


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